Quiet Quitting

The term quiet quitting gives the impression of a passive-aggressive middle finger to overbearing leadership and overtime hours. It’s being called the rebellion of the lazy and accused of meaning starting the workday at 10:00 a.m., leaving at 3:00 p.m., and including an hour of lunch with four 20-minute breaks. To whoever believes this definition, we strongly recommend digging deeper into the concept of quiet quitting rather than the trendy phenomenon making it popular.

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Effective Leadership: Stop Enabling, Start Empowering

If you’re a manager or leader in the workplace, your team probably knows all about your management style, team values, and work preferences. You may even communicate all these things regularly, so team members know exactly when to come to you for help. If so, good job. But remember: it’s also up to you to provide the right kind of help, and sometimes it can be hard to determine if what you’re doing is actually—well, helpful.

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