We tailor these options to suit the needs of the individual, company, and team.
When the stakes are high, emotions often are too. ONE EIGHTY can leverage our outsider role, plus previous experience facilitating innumerable executive strategy sessions, to moderate important meetings to ensure speed of decision-making, alignment, and areas of agreement.
ONE EIGHTY can serve as a trusted, unbiased coach to help employees hash out interpersonal issues that don’t rise to the level of HR or legal. We ask the crucial questions that help them take ownership of a situation and move forward.
To learn more, visit Coaching.
When executive teams and business partners find themselves at odds with one another—but aren’t quite ready to call in legal services—ONE EIGHTY can provide an objective perspective to help reconcile differences, create alignment, and formalize shared interests.
The Five Behaviors® Workshop
We are thrilled to announce that ONE EIGHTY is now an authorized facilitator of the The Five Behaviors® Workshop!
Developed with Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors® empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors. Partner with us to bring The Five Behaviors to your clients and take your business to the next level.
As the workplace evolves, so do team dynamics. Giving your team the skills they need to work together effectively, regardless of who they're working with or where they are working, is more important than ever.
The 5 Behaviors Workshop is designed to transform leadership teams by fostering trust, mastering conflict, achieving commitment, embracing accountability, and focusing on results, which are essential for effective and cohesive team dynamics.
This framework is combined with personalized assessment insights delivered to create powerful, customized, and authentic team development solutions that empower both teams and individuals to make lasting change.
As an authorized partner, ONE EIGHTY is equipped to administer assessments, deliver insights, and facilitate meaningful team dialogue.
Reset dynamics of the broader leadership team
Identify and address team tension
Determine leader-level expectations and behaviors to support growth and scaling
The five behaviors can be mistakenly interpreted as five distinct issues that can addressed in isolation of one another. But in reality they form an interrelated model, and neglecting even of the behaviors can be potentially harmful to the success of a team. Above is a sample of a team’s results for each behavior, based on the team’s responses to the assessment questions.
Support Structure
Assessment: It all starts with The Five Behaviors assessment, which measures how the team is performing in five areas: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Powered by Everything DiSC®, a research-validated personality tool, this assessment helps participants identify their individual DiSC® style and discover how each style brings value to the team.
Personalized Insights: After taking the assessment, participants receive a personalized report that deepens their understanding of self, work style, and others on their team. Teams will also learn how their specific team is performing on each of the behaviors in the Five Behaviors model. These findings will help the team better understand their dynamics and create action plans for areas of improvement.
1-Day Team Session: The facilitation experience takes place over a one-day in-person training session. This training brings the personalized Team Development report insights to life through interactive breakout activities and group discussions that help the team translate the learnings into impactful everyday practices.
Meeting & Retreat Facilitation
ONE EIGHTY’s facilitation services are provided by experienced facilitators and mediators who are trained to guide parties through a self-determined and collaborative process developed to examine underlying issues, generate solutions, and build consensus.
Our facilitation services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, and we work closely with individuals and teams to ensure their goals and objectives are met. We offer a safe and confidential environment for parties to engage in open and honest discussions, free from judgement and bias.
Maximize your team’s time together and make the investment in objective, outside support for your next team meeting, annual retreat, or leadership off-site